chiropractic services

Why You Need Auto Injury Chiropractic Care

If you have ever been in a car accident, even a minor one, you know first-hand the amount of pain you may suffer afterward. An auto accident injury can show up in your body a day or two after the accident occurs. So although you may think you are fine, it is ideal to be seen by a professional. Many people develop chronic pain and other issues from even a minor auto accident. If you are in the Minneapolis area, you can find an auto injury chiropractor at Brookdale Health.

chiropractic services

Our doctors of chiropractic and physical therapy can relieve your pain and prevent problems in the future by providing immediate treatment. Below are four reasons why you should seek auto injury treatment at Brookdale Health in Minneapolis if you’ve been involved in a car accident.

Reduce Swelling and Inflammation

Although you may have x-rays taken after an auto accident, micro-tears can occur that the x-ray will not show. These tears in your muscles or ligaments are the culprits for the pain you may experience in the first few days after an auto accident. Many times, they are the result of whiplash. Our auto injury chiropractor can manipulate your spine and body in such a way that it will release IL-6, an anti-inflammatory substance that is imperative to help heal these tiny tears that are causing your pain and discomfort.

Improving Range of Motion

If you sustain neck or back injuries in an auto accident, the inflammation that can occur often makes it difficult for certain body movements in the arms, legs, neck, or back. You not only slow down but the healing process itself slows down because the blood flow and nutrients to certain areas may be blocked. Your auto injury chiropractor can mobilize your body, especially your spine, to promote faster healing.

Pain Reduction

People who have undergone chiropractic treatment or physical therapy after an auto injury are shown to experience less pain. This result comes from the fact that your auto injury chiropractor manipulates your body in such a way that it will promote the release of pain-reducing hormones. These hormones will not only reduce the pain you are experiencing from the accident but also any pain you may have had in your body before the accident occurred. Chiropractic care is a much better solution for your pain than medications that can be highly addictive and may cause more problems for you in the long run.

Prevent Issues in the Future

If you receive chiropractic care after an auto accident injury, studies have shown that you are less likely to experience long-term issues from the accident. It is also a much better alternative than undergoing surgery to relieve pain and inflammation.

To ensure that you receive the auto injury treatment in Minneapolis that you need after an auto accident, call (763) 561-4045 to make an appointment with one of our auto injury chiropractors at Brookdale Health today!

12345 none 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Closed Closed chiropractor / physical therapy # # #