If you are seeking auto injury treatment in the Twin Cities area, we are here to help. We offer a wide variety of treatment options for those who are suffering from injuries of all kinds. No matter what caused your injury, one of our experts at Brookdale Health will be glad to assist you. The following is an overview of the common conditions we treat.
If you have been experiencing pain from an auto accident injury and need help to recover, you have come to the right place. No matter if you need physical therapy or an auto injury chiropractor, we can help treat the following conditions:
If you have been experiencing frequent and/or severe headaches that were triggered by an auto accident, we are here to assist you. On your natural road to recovery, physical therapy can help to strengthen your muscles, which reduces the strain that may be triggering your headaches. Additionally, we can provide you with chiropractic care that provides your muscles with the relaxation and circulation needed in order to heal.
If you are suffering from whiplash, we have specific massage therapy, physical therapy, and/or chiropractic to help you fully recover. Not sure if you have whiplash? Come in and get evaluated by one of our specialists. Below you can see the percentage of people who report each symptom and have also been diagnosed with whiplash injuries. The most common symptoms associated with whiplash after an auto injury are as follows:
Neck pain- 92%
Headaches- 57%
Fatigue- 56%
Shoulder pain- 49%
Anxiety- 44%
Interscapular pain- 42%
Lower back pain- 39%
Sleep disturbance- 39%
Upper limb paresthesia- 30%
Noise sensitivity- 29%
Impaired concentration- 26%
Blurred vision- 21%
Irritability- 21%
Trouble swallowing- 16%
Dizziness- 15%
Forgetfulness- 15%
Upper-limb pain- 12%
Upper-limb weakness- 6%
Ringing in the ears- 4%
Facial/jaw pain- 4%
If you are suffering from an injury from an auto accident, here are some reasons you should choose Brookdale Health over other health care providers:
Here at Brookdale Health, we pride ourselves on providing prompt, personalized treatment plans that include a combination of natural and conventional treatment methods. We have a children's room to keep your little ones occupied while you receive treatment, and can even provide transportation to and from appointments as necessary. Call us today to find out how we can help you begin recovering from your auto accident injury. Our number is (763) 561-4045.
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
At Brookdale Health , we provide the highest quality Chiropractic care to all our patients. Schedule your appointment today.
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